It is fitting that Renee makes families—pregnancy, childbirth and babies are her passion. A birth doula, lactation counselor and 3D ultrasound technician, she has been channeling her passion professionally for a while now, and over two years ago she took it to another level and decided to pursue her dream of becoming a surrogate mother. Thirty-four weeks pregnant with twin girls, Renee can’t wait to finally give Jenny and Branon what they’ve wanted for so long and what already fulfills Renee’s life: two daughters.
A first-time carrier, Renee was always fascinated by surrogacy since her younger sister was conceived via IVF. After experiencing the joys of parenthood with her six and four-year-old daughters, she realized that surrogacy was indeed her calling. She began researching agencies, but nothing felt right until she discovered The Surrogacy Experience. She was touched by Blair Sullivan Cuje’s story and once she met Tina Dettlaff, TSE’s “matchmaker” and Blair’s carrier, it all felt meant to be. To this day, Renee reaches out for support from other TSE surrogates and appreciates the tight-knit community that is surrogacy. Upon being matched with intended parents Jenny and Branon over two years ago, the first cycle proved successful until they miscarried a baby girl at nine weeks due to a chromosomal defect. Over the next year and a half, Renee underwent two cycles that failed. Along with her supportive husband, whom she calls her rock, and her compassionate intended parents, they decided collectively that they would try one more time, and it worked! Her daughters have also served as Renee’s biggest cheerleaders. “They know about the process and love talking to the babies and feeling them kick,” mused Renee. Jenny and Banon have also been by her side every step of the way, forming a forever-bond that both sides cherish. Renee will be pumping breast milk for the new parents after her scheduled C-section in early November, which will only add to their already frequent visits and get-togethers. Both families take immense pride knowing the four girls will always be close and understand their special relationships to each other. Being a part of the first-time parents’ experience, including attending baby showers and helping to design the nursery, has taken Renee on a journey that she couldn’t imagine to be any better. For her, it’s been all about creating bonds and changing lives for the better. She is eternally grateful for the unique opportunity to take her passion to the ultimate level by creating what has been the driving force in her world, both personally and professionally—new life.